"There's no place like home," a quote from L. Frank Baum's 1900 fantasy The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Near the end of its 1939 adaptation, Dorothy repeats that phrase to return home to Kansas.
Recently I have started to be home sick. Not because I miss someone specifically nor I do not miss specific thing but this is a combination of everything. Italy is great and this eight months so far has been an amazing experience in all aspects. However, as usual when I travel there is time to go home. Yes, I know that I had this thought that I might stay here in Europe for longer time and will find a job here and all of that. However so many things that I like about Israel that I can`t find here, our little country isn’t so bad after all.
I had three offers for internships/temporary positions here in Italy all in the marketing field however it cam to me that if I can do the same thing in Israel what is the added value to do it here? Moreover they have offered only an imbursement and not a full time salary that made me realize that there is really not even one good argument to stay here. So, as it seems now in the end of may when school ends I will be packing again and returning to land of honey and milk and will enjoy a hot humid summer in Israel. Talking of summer, the past few days here were amazing, the sun was shining and the temperature were quite high. I have spent most of the days at the Molo, which is a nice dock right in front, the main piazza in town. Got a little sun burned on my arms I guess I lost my pigments during that real winter I have experienced here. This is real spring here, one moment its cold one moment its worm, you take a jacket its too hot you leave it at home it too cold, its interesting but confusing on the same time. Its seems though that the hot weather brought the city back to life, its like everyone here were sleeping a good winter sleep but now the streets are full with people locals and tourists, the bars are packed and its seems like everyday here is an holiday. It is actually a very nice felling , also the colors of the town are much brighter now ,the building new and old got this special shade now that makes the city look beautiful.
I have about two months left here and I have busy schedule for the time left. This weekend there is an ultimate Frisbee tournament in Vienna, I hope to get to see the city a little bit as well, than next week we have a ball which I`m kind of curious to know what professor Pilotto will surprise us with this time (will tell you all about it later) then Israel for Easter (Passover) then Munich for a study tour where we will be visiting Lufthansa, BMW and Allianz (insurance) then another tournament in lake Komo in Italy , Sweden to visit a friend and it’s the end of May and school will be also over. I got only 4 more courses and exams to go, well actually 6 because Finance class is splitting the exam to three small ones and I`m done with the MBA, the thesis I will write in the summer time in Israel, hopefully, and then all we got left with is the graduation in September. Would you believe that?
But more than all I can`t wait to be in Israel on the 20th of April early in the morning, "There's no place like home".
Sunday, 3 April 2011
Sunday, 13 March 2011
Udi, Cologne and Ferrari, Mix of Sadness and joy.
This time I really don’t know where to begin. So much had happen and I guess this is my destiny as an Israeli to mix every joy with sadness. Why destiny as Israeli, I will explain for those who are not familiar with this phenomena. Every year twenty four hours before we celebrate Israel`s independent day we have a memorial day in order to remember all of those who lost their life while protecting the country or by terrorist attacks. On the evening of the national independent day there is a sharp and radical switch between the sadness of remembering our friends and family who are no longer with us to the ultimate joy and happiness of celebrate another year for our nation. You must be in Israel at that time of the year to understand what exactly I`m talking about.
Last Friday, March 11th 2011, couple of Palestinians man entered a house, a random house in the village named Itamar, they have slaughtered the parents and three of their kids, on of which was only three month old. Udi the father of the family was a friends of mine, we have served in reserve duty together, I guess this bring this story to be much closer to me emotionally and has a very strong effect on me. Udi was an educator he was teaching religious young people who just finished their army service, he emphasized the love of the country, democracy his philosophy was that we are all human been first and we must be good to each other. Even though Udi and I had different point of views on almost everything he always listened to what I have to say and shared with me his ideas not trying to convince me but letting me understand where he comes from. Thinking on his young boy that survived the attack trying to wake him up while he is bleeding on the floor is not giving a rest. In the name of any conflict any war in world as terrible as it would be I couldn’t imagine how a person can do such a horrible brutal act. Action like that will not bring the freedom the Palestinians nor will not bring the peace to the Middle East. Action of such just creates more hate rage at the extremist camps and eventually will lead to another clash between Israel and the Palestinians. I hope that the murderers will be found and will pay for their actions. I wish that the three kids that left among us with out parents will have life with no sorrow. I wish that at some point both sides will stop fighting our grandparents war that we are not sure about what we are fighting exactly and will start thinking about the future of our kids.
Truly all my other experiences are minimizing by this event. But they are memorable ones that I wish to share with and to have with me forever.
First, Cologne, Ever since I have met Philip four years ago he was telling me about the carnival in Cologne. He was saying how special and unique it is. How everyone is dressed up and partying 24/7 and drinking and drinking and drinking. However no words can actually explain what was going on in the little (big) city of Cologne and Brensberg. As soon as I arrived on Thursday night we went to a little local bar in Brensberg and saw everyone in all ages dressed up and smiling laughing and dancing. I kid you not this was going on for 3 days in a raw. During the day during the night beer beer and some more beer.
All over the place there is music and people partying. On Saturday night we went with his dad and some others to a traditional chapter (club) party. His dad was carrying a roll in the ancient club so went all dressed in customs to a huge hall with 3,500 people we got there at 6pm and left at 3am rivers of beers, live band went up one after the other. Every one was so nice and friendly like we knew each other for years.
I`m telling you, not Rio not Venice nothing compares. Cologne is by far the craziest carnival in the world. You must be there with a local to understand.
Last but not least, maybe one of the days I will not forget every in my life. As part of our program at MIB school of management we have a career development. In this program they are helping us to find internship or job oportiunities. At some point in the begening of the year I have showed an interest in Ferrari thinking this is just a dream that will never come true. However to make long story short, Alessandra which is the lady who`s responsible for the networking and to find us placements told me that Ferrari showed and interest, she said that they don`t have anything concrete to offer however they would like to invite me for an introductory interview. Off course I said that I still wish to go and this ended up being a smart decision. I took the train to Modena and from the shared a taxi to Maranello the home of Ferrari, once you enter the town you can feel in the air that this is a Ferrari town. The logo is everywhere and for every reason. There is Ferrari restaurant, Ferrari store Ferrari bakery what ever you imagine. And yes the ratio of cars to Ferrari in the streets is the highest I have ever seen. I have entered the factory and was excited to get the visitor tag, in order to visit the factory you must own a Ferrari and apply a request for a visit that is not always granted and very limited. I have met the head of the HR in Ferrari whom took to the whole nine-yard tour in the factory. I saw the assembly line of the 438 italia and the California that is on the same assembly line. What makes the responsibility of the employees even higher, I would mention that everything in the assembly line is being done be hand. Only one robot is taking part in the process and its for putting in the wind shields. Everything there is so perfect, other then that I had the tour and had lunch in the cantina that is not bad at all. Everyone either wearing fancy suits or Ferrari suits that made me really want one for my self. The interview went well, at this point of time when I`m writing this I`m not sure what will be the outcome but it doesn`t matter at all. After that I went to the museum of Ferrari, which is right next by. I saw all the old cars and the evolution of this amazing machine.
The highlight of the day was for sure driving a Ferrari, I got to drive the F430 spider, just sitting in car made me feel like the king of the world not mentioning starting the engine and getting on the street. The sound of the car is perfect melody the most amazing tune I have heard, once you sit in you feel like it was built for you, the mirrors where right in place, the chair is hugging you perfectly in place and the steering wheel is the perfect location and size. I got out on the road and hit the gas, it was few second before I saw that I`m on 120km/h and I had no desire to slow down. It was absolutely perfect ride 3rd gear and I’m flying 160km/h and the guy next to me is not even blinking so why not go more. I accelerated up to 190km/h and then relaxed, I was still in the city but it was stringer than me. At one point I was behind Alfa spider and I couldn` resist to take down a gear and to fly right by the Alfa and see it disappearing in the back mirror. This was a perfect day and a perfect experience that I will never forget.
Last Friday, March 11th 2011, couple of Palestinians man entered a house, a random house in the village named Itamar, they have slaughtered the parents and three of their kids, on of which was only three month old. Udi the father of the family was a friends of mine, we have served in reserve duty together, I guess this bring this story to be much closer to me emotionally and has a very strong effect on me. Udi was an educator he was teaching religious young people who just finished their army service, he emphasized the love of the country, democracy his philosophy was that we are all human been first and we must be good to each other. Even though Udi and I had different point of views on almost everything he always listened to what I have to say and shared with me his ideas not trying to convince me but letting me understand where he comes from. Thinking on his young boy that survived the attack trying to wake him up while he is bleeding on the floor is not giving a rest. In the name of any conflict any war in world as terrible as it would be I couldn’t imagine how a person can do such a horrible brutal act. Action like that will not bring the freedom the Palestinians nor will not bring the peace to the Middle East. Action of such just creates more hate rage at the extremist camps and eventually will lead to another clash between Israel and the Palestinians. I hope that the murderers will be found and will pay for their actions. I wish that the three kids that left among us with out parents will have life with no sorrow. I wish that at some point both sides will stop fighting our grandparents war that we are not sure about what we are fighting exactly and will start thinking about the future of our kids.
Truly all my other experiences are minimizing by this event. But they are memorable ones that I wish to share with and to have with me forever.
First, Cologne, Ever since I have met Philip four years ago he was telling me about the carnival in Cologne. He was saying how special and unique it is. How everyone is dressed up and partying 24/7 and drinking and drinking and drinking. However no words can actually explain what was going on in the little (big) city of Cologne and Brensberg. As soon as I arrived on Thursday night we went to a little local bar in Brensberg and saw everyone in all ages dressed up and smiling laughing and dancing. I kid you not this was going on for 3 days in a raw. During the day during the night beer beer and some more beer.
All over the place there is music and people partying. On Saturday night we went with his dad and some others to a traditional chapter (club) party. His dad was carrying a roll in the ancient club so went all dressed in customs to a huge hall with 3,500 people we got there at 6pm and left at 3am rivers of beers, live band went up one after the other. Every one was so nice and friendly like we knew each other for years.
I`m telling you, not Rio not Venice nothing compares. Cologne is by far the craziest carnival in the world. You must be there with a local to understand.
Last but not least, maybe one of the days I will not forget every in my life. As part of our program at MIB school of management we have a career development. In this program they are helping us to find internship or job oportiunities. At some point in the begening of the year I have showed an interest in Ferrari thinking this is just a dream that will never come true. However to make long story short, Alessandra which is the lady who`s responsible for the networking and to find us placements told me that Ferrari showed and interest, she said that they don`t have anything concrete to offer however they would like to invite me for an introductory interview. Off course I said that I still wish to go and this ended up being a smart decision. I took the train to Modena and from the shared a taxi to Maranello the home of Ferrari, once you enter the town you can feel in the air that this is a Ferrari town. The logo is everywhere and for every reason. There is Ferrari restaurant, Ferrari store Ferrari bakery what ever you imagine. And yes the ratio of cars to Ferrari in the streets is the highest I have ever seen. I have entered the factory and was excited to get the visitor tag, in order to visit the factory you must own a Ferrari and apply a request for a visit that is not always granted and very limited. I have met the head of the HR in Ferrari whom took to the whole nine-yard tour in the factory. I saw the assembly line of the 438 italia and the California that is on the same assembly line. What makes the responsibility of the employees even higher, I would mention that everything in the assembly line is being done be hand. Only one robot is taking part in the process and its for putting in the wind shields. Everything there is so perfect, other then that I had the tour and had lunch in the cantina that is not bad at all. Everyone either wearing fancy suits or Ferrari suits that made me really want one for my self. The interview went well, at this point of time when I`m writing this I`m not sure what will be the outcome but it doesn`t matter at all. After that I went to the museum of Ferrari, which is right next by. I saw all the old cars and the evolution of this amazing machine.
The highlight of the day was for sure driving a Ferrari, I got to drive the F430 spider, just sitting in car made me feel like the king of the world not mentioning starting the engine and getting on the street. The sound of the car is perfect melody the most amazing tune I have heard, once you sit in you feel like it was built for you, the mirrors where right in place, the chair is hugging you perfectly in place and the steering wheel is the perfect location and size. I got out on the road and hit the gas, it was few second before I saw that I`m on 120km/h and I had no desire to slow down. It was absolutely perfect ride 3rd gear and I’m flying 160km/h and the guy next to me is not even blinking so why not go more. I accelerated up to 190km/h and then relaxed, I was still in the city but it was stringer than me. At one point I was behind Alfa spider and I couldn` resist to take down a gear and to fly right by the Alfa and see it disappearing in the back mirror. This was a perfect day and a perfect experience that I will never forget.
Sunday, 13 February 2011
Midnight thoughts: Friend
What is a friend? Often we call people in our lives friend but do we really think on what that word mean? According to the dictionary a friend is “Friendship is the cooperative and supportive relationship between people, or animals. In this sense, the term connotes a relationship that involves mutual knowledge, esteem, affection, and respect along with a degree of rendering service to friends in times of need or crisis.” This is one of many definitions however the one that I find myself most related to. Some people in our lives are just visitors, they enter to the show at some point, stay for a while, maybe few scenes then they do there exit. Some would even stay for a longer time but at some point they will the there big finale. Friends will stay there forever.
Why I`m talking about this now, well the past few weeks opened my eyes to many things. But the most eye opener scene was when Philip has arrived to the airport in Trieste. I think that we haven’t spend any time together, just us with no pressure of time for at least 10 month. But as soon as we met up again it was like we have never separated not even for e minute. I like him especially and mostly due to the fact that he is real and honest, I can count on him to tell me what he think even if it’s not what I want to hear and from the bottom of my heart I appreciate it. My friends my true friends and the one that I consider as such, are similar to him, not only with those characteristics that I have mentioned but also that he respect me as who I am which means a whole lot to me.
What happen to me lately? Well, school is nothing-special same thing different day, but it turns to be more and more interesting, we have started the consulting project which we are working for companies in the area, my team is working for illy, can`t elaborate much on this at the moment but the fact that we are doing a real research regardless on what will be the result it seems to be interesting.
Other then that, last week we went skiing with the school, we were about 15 students and maybe 15 alumni, we went to Austria stayed in a nice hotel on an amazing lake, just three days of snowboarding, drinking and partying. We had great time with some great people. The snow wasn`t the best but as coming from Israel who am I to complain. After the first day one skiing I went with my roommate Jose and couple of others to the roman thermal spa, where they had a pool of hot water out side, so basically you head is freezing and the body is in hot water. The feeling was amazing, it was not long before professor Pilotto which organized this trip as many other events of the school, challenged us to stand outside in the snow in minus 5 degrees just to jump in after to see how really nice the water are. Off course we did it, off course it felt great but it was freezing and I`m not sure when and if I will stand on the snow wearing just a bathing suite......
As part of our program we suppose to do internships or be working from May to September while writing our thesis (did I talked about it before?) so the word of the day that every one is speaking about in school is “did you get an interview?” or “any news about internship”, I like it, cause I`m looking for things that I think that I would like to do in the future and I get to be exposed to interesting position and companies that I don’t know about. However naturally it leads to a competition that I don’t like (I should get used to it in the business world no?). I believe that there is room and place for everyone and that each will find his special place to work and grow I will be happy to hear about everyone of my classmates that will make it big. And me? I dream big and aim high this is the only way I know to success, I will and am doing the best I can to pursue my dreams as Aerosmith sings “Dream on, dream on dream until your dream come true
I said a lot today in the post but didnt write much, there is a lot of things I want to tell and talk about but I`m waiting for the right moment. Egypt off course is a major topic but I`m not sure how I feel about what is happening there and how it might effect us. By us I mean Israel, the world and the business world.
good night for now,
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Holiday is over. oh is it?
Holiday is over and we got back to school three weeks ago, however it feels like we never had an holiday I`m sure am ready for another holiday to come.
We started this semester with full power having to present a country analysis for the political analysis class. Some part of the paper and research was interesting but mainly it was a pain in you know what. But at least its behind us.
I had to present two presentations on the same day, the first the country analysis of Turkey, which we have done in a group of four, never easy to work in a group and especially in international composition groups. Different styles different standards different everything. It sure was a challenge to have this presentation and paper made in the best way possible. The second presentation was my presentation about Israel, had to present my classmates what is Israel, another challenge that is not easy and even complicated.
Off course, the easy way was is to present the history in a boring way, and the conflict from my own perception. However, as I did several times in the past I have presented my Israel. Thus means, what I love about it, where I grew up, views that I cherish and then several facts about Israel that usually people don’t know. Facts about things that Israel had contributed to the world and was never acknowledged for. I love the face on the audience when I expose them to facts like that the Disk on Key (Flash Drive), the cell phone and most of Intel mobile chips were invented and even made in Israel. I believe that the world needs to know the importance of Israel in terms of contribution and innovation. This might one day change the way the worldview of Israel. We are not only conflicts and wars but we also and mainly bring important things that everyone is using daily. Every person that use a cell phone camera should know that this technology is available due to Israeli development and innovation.
Now, the race for internship or a full time job had begun. Constantly we are all looking for a placement in late May. Through the school or by ourselves we are searching and scouting for good opportunities. The question is what I want to do and where I want to do it? On one hand I think that I would like to go back to Israel in June, find a good full time position that I will enjoy and will start building my career. However, I`m saying why not living the dream in Europe for a little longer? We shall wait and see which offers I will receive and what will be the best one for me to do when time is come.
February and March should be awesome, all me weekend are booked and there is some traveling coming around the corner. MIB on the snow, is the school annual ski trip to Austria, then Philip is coming for a visit, the two Ultimate Frisbee tournament and then a carnival in Cologne (with Philip again) and the Maya`s visit to Trieste. It sounds amazing and yes you have a reason to be jealous, I`m leaving it to the maximum and I love it. A year of such probably will not come to me again so I`m exploiting this one.
More to come in the future, hope you enjoy reading this, I`m definitely enjoy writing.
We started this semester with full power having to present a country analysis for the political analysis class. Some part of the paper and research was interesting but mainly it was a pain in you know what. But at least its behind us.
I had to present two presentations on the same day, the first the country analysis of Turkey, which we have done in a group of four, never easy to work in a group and especially in international composition groups. Different styles different standards different everything. It sure was a challenge to have this presentation and paper made in the best way possible. The second presentation was my presentation about Israel, had to present my classmates what is Israel, another challenge that is not easy and even complicated.
Off course, the easy way was is to present the history in a boring way, and the conflict from my own perception. However, as I did several times in the past I have presented my Israel. Thus means, what I love about it, where I grew up, views that I cherish and then several facts about Israel that usually people don’t know. Facts about things that Israel had contributed to the world and was never acknowledged for. I love the face on the audience when I expose them to facts like that the Disk on Key (Flash Drive), the cell phone and most of Intel mobile chips were invented and even made in Israel. I believe that the world needs to know the importance of Israel in terms of contribution and innovation. This might one day change the way the worldview of Israel. We are not only conflicts and wars but we also and mainly bring important things that everyone is using daily. Every person that use a cell phone camera should know that this technology is available due to Israeli development and innovation.
Now, the race for internship or a full time job had begun. Constantly we are all looking for a placement in late May. Through the school or by ourselves we are searching and scouting for good opportunities. The question is what I want to do and where I want to do it? On one hand I think that I would like to go back to Israel in June, find a good full time position that I will enjoy and will start building my career. However, I`m saying why not living the dream in Europe for a little longer? We shall wait and see which offers I will receive and what will be the best one for me to do when time is come.
February and March should be awesome, all me weekend are booked and there is some traveling coming around the corner. MIB on the snow, is the school annual ski trip to Austria, then Philip is coming for a visit, the two Ultimate Frisbee tournament and then a carnival in Cologne (with Philip again) and the Maya`s visit to Trieste. It sounds amazing and yes you have a reason to be jealous, I`m leaving it to the maximum and I love it. A year of such probably will not come to me again so I`m exploiting this one.
More to come in the future, hope you enjoy reading this, I`m definitely enjoy writing.
Tuesday, 4 January 2011
2011 is here
Wow those pasts few weeks were amazing... words cannot describe.
But before that I would like to say something about 2011. As most of you read in my Xmas email I wish that each and every one of you will find a way this year to make a change. One change of one-person life can change the world. It doesn`t has to be something big, but a little change help some else and this world will be a better one.
Myself, I have started to work on a project for volunteering in 2011; I hope it will come out and that it will make a change. I cannot say more about it know, but I`m sure and believe that you all will hear about it in the future in this why or another.
What I have been doing since the holiday started on Dec 21st? Wow, A whole lot. My parents arrived to Trieste on the 19th for ten long days but amazing and unforgettable. Sometimes we forget who are those two persons that we owe everything to them. The person I am today, my values, my experiences my beliefs my passions are all thanks to them those two amazing parents that always supported me and always helped me to find the right path for me. So first I want to say: Mom, Dad thank you.
We traveled around Trieste and walked around and enjoyed not only the beauty of the city but the company of each other, Bologna, Travisio Kransjka Gora (Slovenia), Grado, Koper (Slovenia) and off course Trieste Trieste Trieste. It was great to show my parents the school of which I`m studying at, where I live and how I spend my time around this town in a very different life style. I must say that it was also nice to enjoy the restaurants of Trieste that with my parents I would be able to eat there.... yes yes too expensive for a student :)
Then a day after they have left Shira my very best friend has arrived. Not only I have missed her so much even though we spoke almost every day it is not like having her around. The laughter the good times the fooling around really really amazing times. For new years evening we have planed to go to Kravavec a ski resort in Slovenia where I have booked us a room for two night. When we arrived and asked the information where is the specific hostel is, the lady said that we need to go on the cable cart and then to walk for about ten minutes on the ski slopes to the rooms. We did as she told us and found ourselves carrying all our bags, food and wine across the slops....

we felt ridiculous. However, soon when we got to the place she said the guy there told us: no, the rooms are down in the village about fifteen minutes drive, so we went down and drove our little Fiat Panda to the house, which was in the middle of no where next to the owners house not even in the village it self. Though the place was new and it seems like they have just finished building it, we decided this is not for us. Then we have taken a decision to go to Kransjka Gora the original place that I wanted to spend new years, its a nice town in the border of Italy and Slovenia where the slopes are ending right in the center of the village and there are two bars and on Pizza place. The problem was that according to the research I have done except of one hostel the entire town was booked. That specific hostel wanted 60euro from each just for new years evening dinner, which we didn’t want to pay (we ended up eating kebab cause the whole restaurants in town was fully booked). At the end Shira walked in to the hostel and was able, probably by using her charm to get us a room for 35 euro per person for two nights with breakfast. Not a bad deal. The room was crapy and cold and we could hear everything that is happening in the hostel but it was good enough for us. The countdown we have spent in the freezing square with fire works and live music and screaming in Slovenian and off course after few beers it all started to make sense. Hello 2011.
On the first and the second of January 2011 we snowboarded, enjoyed a nice and not very big resort but I think it fit us perfectly. They also had night snowboarding. They had projectors on the slopes and the feeling was amazing so quit and peaceful I loved it.

The entire time with Shira was amazing and she left today back to Israel, now I have a paper to write and some time to relax until second semester starts on the 10th of January.
I wish you all a great year, and make a change it will come back to you.
Good things happen to good people.
But before that I would like to say something about 2011. As most of you read in my Xmas email I wish that each and every one of you will find a way this year to make a change. One change of one-person life can change the world. It doesn`t has to be something big, but a little change help some else and this world will be a better one.
Myself, I have started to work on a project for volunteering in 2011; I hope it will come out and that it will make a change. I cannot say more about it know, but I`m sure and believe that you all will hear about it in the future in this why or another.
What I have been doing since the holiday started on Dec 21st? Wow, A whole lot. My parents arrived to Trieste on the 19th for ten long days but amazing and unforgettable. Sometimes we forget who are those two persons that we owe everything to them. The person I am today, my values, my experiences my beliefs my passions are all thanks to them those two amazing parents that always supported me and always helped me to find the right path for me. So first I want to say: Mom, Dad thank you.
We traveled around Trieste and walked around and enjoyed not only the beauty of the city but the company of each other, Bologna, Travisio Kransjka Gora (Slovenia), Grado, Koper (Slovenia) and off course Trieste Trieste Trieste. It was great to show my parents the school of which I`m studying at, where I live and how I spend my time around this town in a very different life style. I must say that it was also nice to enjoy the restaurants of Trieste that with my parents I would be able to eat there.... yes yes too expensive for a student :)
Then a day after they have left Shira my very best friend has arrived. Not only I have missed her so much even though we spoke almost every day it is not like having her around. The laughter the good times the fooling around really really amazing times. For new years evening we have planed to go to Kravavec a ski resort in Slovenia where I have booked us a room for two night. When we arrived and asked the information where is the specific hostel is, the lady said that we need to go on the cable cart and then to walk for about ten minutes on the ski slopes to the rooms. We did as she told us and found ourselves carrying all our bags, food and wine across the slops....
we felt ridiculous. However, soon when we got to the place she said the guy there told us: no, the rooms are down in the village about fifteen minutes drive, so we went down and drove our little Fiat Panda to the house, which was in the middle of no where next to the owners house not even in the village it self. Though the place was new and it seems like they have just finished building it, we decided this is not for us. Then we have taken a decision to go to Kransjka Gora the original place that I wanted to spend new years, its a nice town in the border of Italy and Slovenia where the slopes are ending right in the center of the village and there are two bars and on Pizza place. The problem was that according to the research I have done except of one hostel the entire town was booked. That specific hostel wanted 60euro from each just for new years evening dinner, which we didn’t want to pay (we ended up eating kebab cause the whole restaurants in town was fully booked). At the end Shira walked in to the hostel and was able, probably by using her charm to get us a room for 35 euro per person for two nights with breakfast. Not a bad deal. The room was crapy and cold and we could hear everything that is happening in the hostel but it was good enough for us. The countdown we have spent in the freezing square with fire works and live music and screaming in Slovenian and off course after few beers it all started to make sense. Hello 2011.
On the first and the second of January 2011 we snowboarded, enjoyed a nice and not very big resort but I think it fit us perfectly. They also had night snowboarding. They had projectors on the slopes and the feeling was amazing so quit and peaceful I loved it.
The entire time with Shira was amazing and she left today back to Israel, now I have a paper to write and some time to relax until second semester starts on the 10th of January.
I wish you all a great year, and make a change it will come back to you.
Good things happen to good people.
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