Well, the strategy exam will be 89 multiple-choice exam, ONLY about the things from the book. Nothing to analyze or to think, just to spit what we have memorized. The best part it, is that after telling us that we will get about 10 days from the last lesson to the exam we get only two in this case, because as they say it is a multiple choice exam. We know that those are much trickier and demand harder studying to the little details. But as I mentioned in my previous chapter, this is Italy.
Another thing that bothers me and I have to write it to you who read this. Have you ever heard of a school that only shows you the schedule for 2 weeks forward? Isn’t the studying plan supposed to be ready by now? If they expect us to be good managers they should show some its quality themselves. The exams schedule is not set; the vacation schedule is not posted how we can plan anything? How can we plan our team project if we don’t know when they are due to?
This is all very frustrating, however its quite dubious that they see it as I do, I guess I like to see things organized. But, I must say that it is fun to complain but I see it as a challenge, as something that I will have to cope with in this way or the other and to get the best out of it.
I took a day off on Friday to meet Matt Roman in Venice; he came with his architecture students for a study tour and to work on their project. We had a nice 24h together, we went to the architecture exhibition, and of which I would never go with out it him it was very interesting. Every country had its own pavilion and chooses which aspect of the national architecture to show. Very unique idea I must say.
Here is a crazy cray story. Samuel Huntington
Once said that the world is getting smaller and smaller, he mainly referred to technology and to the easy flow of information. However, during the international fair in Trieste, (which brought many stands from around world with typical food and clothing from the different market)
I have experienced how small our world is.
While walking among the crowed I have recognized a voice but I wasn’t sure where do I know it from. I saw this girl and after listening for a short while I realized this is Margot Goldberg, Jessica Goldberg’s twin sister. Most of you don’t know but Jess was my first and best friend during the summer of 2004 in Pittsburgh. I haven’t seen her since then and defiantly not her sister. I was really amazing moment when we realized that we have ran into each other in the city of Trieste, among all places in the world we met in TRIESTE ???? I still think it is amazing.
This is what I call a SMALL WORLD.
Ok, it is 1:25 here, and I must finish the accounting homework for tomorrow. I will get to do it right now.
Before I’m done with this shortish chapter, I want to give you a short sentence to think about -