Friday, 10 September 2010

Here we go

This post i`m writing while waiting to face the Italian bureaucracy. sitting at the police station looking forward to meet the one who will let (or not) me the permission of stay.

Lets talk about things in Italy that are seems to be weird. first and foremost, the police. there are about 5 different police forces that most of them has different responsibilities. However, two of them the "Carniberi" (Military police) and the "polizia" are overlapping in their assignments. There is a long history of hate and competition between them, and if one says A the other can say B. So if both are getting to the crime scene on the same time, and arguing about what has happened there, there no statement in the law the decided who has the last call. I find it very  weird and problematic for governance. But this is me.

This week started with first few hours in school, dressed up in a suit we have marched up the hill to meet all of our colleagues and staff. It seems to me that the group has a great chemistry to start with.

We left for 3 days to a resort on the Adriatic sea, where we did some ice breakers and team building challenges. For me, it was summer camp all over again, it is interesting how those same activities are everywhere, the exact same ones. I wanted to play along and let the team think about the solution, but I`m sorry it was stronger then me. Further more I think that if I would of stay silence I would have not contribute the maximum I can to the group.

we started of with a very interesting activity that I liked, the goal was to tell your name to the group (can be a nick name) and to provide also a way to help the group to remember your name. It was funny but in the end we all remembered 20 names with out a problem.

We were divided also to out working team, groups of five that was elected by the staff. This group will be working together for the whole year. For good or bad we will have ti stay unite and to bring results. I really like our group, it is very diverse both in Nationality and characters. We have Alessandro from Italy, Natasha from Serbia, Dorina from Romania, Riccardo from Italy, Jessica from Mexico that had problems with the visa and will join us ASAP, we also have a part timer with us, Paulo that seems to be a great person with a lot of knowledge about many things and then there is me.

we had great chemistry from point one and showed great team work during the activities, we also had a very tensioned one where some characters came out and that is including me. But I believe that was a good experience because we will have many more of those down the road, and as sooner we will know how to handle them the better.

Rosh Hashana was on Wed night and we returned back to the city a bit too late for me to go to the Jewish community here. Then I have invited my classmates to join me for a new year drink. I thought it wont be a problem to be away from home, and it wasn`t, but some where deep inside I wanted to be with the family. However, the friends from the program is kinda my new family here in Trieste and it was great going out with them. The next morning, the first real day of classes I have brought some apples and honey to share this tradition with class and to make sure that we all have a great, sweet and amazing year here in Trieste.

ok my turn in line is approaching, and should go. I`ll be writing again soon.

SHANA TOVA to you all (have a great year)


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