This chapter is being written in the airport in Rome while waiting for the flight to Tel Aviv.
I will post it only tomorrow after I’ll meet my mom and this just in case she will read it tonight it won’t destroy the surprise.
This is the story; my mom is retiring from work in the middle of the coming month (Nov) and also celebrating her birthday on the 8th of November. So, together with my dad and my sister we have decided to have a family dinner to celebrate those two occasions. We have been planning this for about 3 weeks and my mom has no clue that I’ll be attending lunch tomorrow, and I’m sure that she will flip. Just yesterday she asked me for my home address in Italy so she can send me a package, she has absolutely no clue.
More then that, this is a chance for me to relax a little bit, to enjoy the things that I miss from home and for sure get some sun, though on today’s news they said it might rain tomorrow and if so I will be highly disappointed.
Can’t wait to have Krembo (Israeli thing, you won’t understand), Goldstar beer, go to the beach and off course to meet Shira and other friends. Its going to be very busy five days and I hope that I’ll manage to do it all in a short time.
What about school? Well, school is going well, we have started the International Business class with proof. Yusaf Akbar, a great lecturer with a lot of knowledge and not like many other professors you can feel that he has the international experience, and he actually has. He is from London, family origin in Afghanistan, lived in Singapore, teached in the US and now in Hungary and he has been around a lot. His performance in class is scintillating, this is a kind of professor they makes me to keep studying more and more and to forget for a minute that there are some lecturers that are teaching not in order to pass knowledge but in order to have a stage to say what ever they want. I have missed his second lesion and I look forward for the next one.
Other then that we had few exams recently and they all went well. Finance as I assumed is not my field was never related to the numbers, but I did my best and passed it with a decent grade. Micro Economy was an easy one, very general with a lot of freedom in the answers as long as you back them with good argument. But then there is Accounting, I have totally understood the material and how things works, I have even calculated the ratios correctly in the exam (except one case where I have just copied to wrong numbers from the balance sheet) after doing everything correctly and getting "numbers" to give me the right answers, and as Alessandro my teammate the engineer said when you have numbers there is no need for words, in this case I think he was right, I have added my creativeness to the solution which the professor didn’t liked much, the meeting with him was interesting due to the fact that I had to explain him how and what exactly I did. I wasn’t wrong but my solution was very different from other students according to him. If the company should follow my advise or not, this we can never now :) but I try to follow my truth also here, I believe that the extra that I have put in that exam from myself in the real world this is how great things happens. If for everything there were an answer in numbers then it would have been too easy and very very boring. Bottom line, for the time I have invested in the exam, which is accumulating to about 3 hours total, I’m more than happy with my C+ grade.
What else? So on the weekend of the 16/17th to October I went to an Ultimate Frisbee tournament in Bologna with my team Vertigo. It was a lot of fun, camping out in the rain, playing 5 games the first day and another 3 in the second day (it ended up to be less then we knew before) and in the second day after a night of pouring rain, the fields we’re absolutely a swamp. Playing in mud up to our ankles, the disc is so heavy from the mud and there is mud everywhere, nothing and no one stayed clear. But we had a blast. We finished 12th out of 24 teams, right where we were seeded in the beginning. Now the indoor session has started, on last Monday I went to Gorizia for my first indoor practice, it is weird to play Ultimate indoor but it sure demands high skill of handling a disc. I think I might start lovin it.
Other then that, the winter starts to show its signs (or it is the autumn here) but the top of the mountains are white already, the wind is blowing strong (on Monday it was 140 KPH) and it is freezing. Waiting to the bus in the morning more then 5 minutes turns to be not a simple task.
What is it about airports that I like? I can’t stop looking at people that are around me and wonder where they heading to or what they are doing. I love airports and I love to be traveling I cant explain you the feeling. Some of you may think you know what I’m talking about but trust me you don’t. When I travel by myself, which I do often, it is pure thinking time for me. So many thoughts are running through my head right now. Plans for the future things that I have done in the past. Things I want to change and things I want to have. Where is this lady running? Who is waiting for her? And why this macho man in the other table got tears in his eyes? I want to know it all
Oh wow, I’m excited about going home. I miss Noga and Ayelet, be nieces. On Wed my sister told me that Ayelet was crying cause she found a present I gave her when she was in the hospital and it made her miss me and to realize that she will not see me until September next year. I have been dreaming about the moment where I see her face an that moment when she will realize that it is I and start run towards me. Omer and Dror are growing up rapidly they are my nephews both very young but with in those two month Omer started to talk... it will be funny to see him being man. Maybe I should start and train him with Barny Stinson skills (SUIT UP KIDO).
Since San Diego 2009, I have this master plan in my head. To start my own international company. I run ideas about it with my good friend Max, he is from Russia and I believe that this two ends of the spectrum societies that we come from will be beneficial to our company. We have a great idea, money I believe will not be an issue but we need to wait few more years until we will get it all together. But every time we talk about this is makes more and more since to me, and I believe more in this idea. We can ask about it as much as you want, no, I will not tell you what it is.
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